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dumb show 默片,啞劇;手勢。

dumb waiter

The priest gazed on the person addressing him with a long and searching gaze - there even seemed a disposition on his part to court a similar scrutiny on the part of the inn - keeper ; then , observing in the countenance of the latter no other expression than extreme surprise at his own want of attention to an inquiry so courteously worded , he deemed it as well to terminate this dumb show , and therefore said , speaking with a strong italian accent , “ you are , i presume , m . caderousse ? 教士用探詢的目光注視了一會兒眼前這個人,他似乎準備把客棧老板的注意力吸引過去。但除了看到對方臉上露出的極端驚訝的神色外,別無其他表情,于是他便結束了這一幕啞劇,帶著一種強烈的意大利口音問道: “我想,您是卡德魯斯先生吧? ”

A ceremony followed , in dumb show , in which it was easy to recognise the pantomime of a marriage 接著一個用啞劇來表現的儀式開始了,不難看出,這是場啞劇婚禮。

Communicate in dumb show 用手勢交流

That ' s the only reason i go on that dumb show , anyway 總之那是我做那傻節目的唯一理由。